Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In-laws and McDonalds....

Yesterday, my mother-in-law asked me if I was O.K. with them making the tradition of taking the grandkids to McDonalds every Saturday morning. I was so shocked all I could do was laugh at first. I ended up trying to get out that I did like the idea of a tradition of some sort, but that I wanted my kids to eat healthy. She almost totally blew it off. Almost, as in she continued trying to convince me in a way that said, "we already made up our minds, this is just a courtesy." I remembered my mom asking if I knew if they were trying to turn our kids into a "grandparents competition". I am really starting to wonder. She SAID it was so we could sleep in, but I don't know if I believe that. I am actually really looking forward to our kids waking up for Saturday morning cartoons, eating cereal in their pajamas till mom and dad wake up. Thats what we did! Can you imagine the trouble it would cause us if our kids went to McDonalds EVERY FRICKEN SATURDAY?! I''ll tell you what I imagine it would be like - 

  1. Way too much salt, sodium, and grease in their little bodies every single week. 
  2. We would have to get up ANYWAY in order to get them ready to go out with a grandma and grandpa. That would require baths, cute clothes and teeth brushing.
  3. They will be super hyper afterwards and WE would have to deal with it. 
  4. How would I get a Saturday routine set for them if that is what they did? 
  5. Would I ever get to enjoy a Saturday morning with my kids? What if I plan on making waffles or pancakes with them every Saturday morning? 
  6. Would Grandma and Grandpa bring them back when I ask them to? Breakfast does not need to last 4-5 hours. 
  7. Would they want to go to McDonalds all the time? Does anyone know how hard it is to say no to a toddler or pre-schooler when it comes to going to McDonalds?! I do remember how it was with my little brother and my parents. We older kids did not help the matter. 
  8. I already know Andrew will want to cook them breakfast every once in awhile and his breakfast foods are worse than McDonalds, Burger King, and Jack In The Box put together. But I cannot deny daddy this privilege, or my marriage might suffer [he he he]
It really does bother me. I asked Andrew how he felt about her asking [since it's his mom] and he agreed with my opinion. He was annoyed. Didn't actually say much about it but voiced that it annoyed him. I think this is one of those "don't worry till we get there" things but oh man. During the conversation I told her that it might not happen till the twins are like 5 or something. She blew off the age and was like "oh well I know it's not right away, I can't give them hash browns till they are almost a year." I was like "WHAT?!" I am not sure I am O.K. with my babies eating hash browns at 7 months. I actually read an article in Parents Magazine two months ago that gave us advice on how to say no to relatives that want to feed baby something over the holidays. It put it in an "Aunt Flo and her famous casserole" perspective.  It didn't give much advice on what to say but it did make me realize that I will have to deal with these issues, especially from Andrews side of the family. Now I wonder, is it just because I trust the women in my family on the topic of kids more than his? If my abuelita or mom wanted to feed the twins something I think I would be O.K. But I am picturing them trying things like mashed beans, mashed potatoes, a roll, cranberry sauce, and yams. I know how unhealthy husbands family cooks their holiday and regular food. It's loaded with salt, pepper, heavy creams and lots of butter. Plus his Grandma is just the kind of person to want babies to try her "famous" whatever. Oh, man. 

I am at a complete loss on this. I feel like I'm discriminating against his family, and that's wrong and unfair. But there are things that I will have to monitor from my family too. My family is much more into electronics than I would like my kids to be. But I was able to talk to my mom about this issue and I felt much better afterwards. I even found out she is planning homemade church activity kits that are 100% electronic free. I was ecstatic and felt bad. I never liked my moms disciplinary ways. I hear that is almost ALWAYS an issue between mother and daughter though. [I actually am not looking forward to my MIL and discipline more] I worry I will get told in front of my kids things like -

  1. Ya like they understand what you are telling them.
  2. Let them do it, it's cute
  3. Don't tell them that
Or that they will be told to do it anyways and not to listen to mommy because she is mean. Maybe it will maybe it won't. My mom bought me a really great discipline help book this Christmas so maybe it's not. Now, in conclusion, I know I will not be the perfect mom. I know I will have times I forget and do something I shouldn't. I know I will yell or even ignore more than I should. I also know most moms would read this and say I'm delusional on the way I see how having kids will be. I don't think I am and I will try my hardest to raise my kids as mine and to be better than good people. My goal is similar to most parents and I will have my own way of getting there. My husband is my partner in this task my Heavenly Father entrusted upon us and that is how I see it. 

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